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Our Staff


Bill Kelly


Kelly is the founder of Brighton Press and a painter, printmaker, and sculptor. His personal work is housed in numerous public and private collections in the United States, including the Achenbach Foundation for the Graphic Arts in San Francisco, the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles, the Walker Art Museum in Minneapolis, and the Toledo Art Museum in Ohio. He has an undergraduate degree in philosophy and an MFA from Johnson State College. Kelly was awarded a Pollock Krasner Foundation grant in 2002 and continues making art and books in Vermont and California. He teaches in the art department at the University of San Diego.


Michele Burgess


Burgess works in printmaking, painting, sculpture, and book art. She has an MFA in printmaking from Cranbrook Academy of Art. She is the director of Brighton Press and collaborates with other artists and poets on projects that involve the book as an art medium. Burgess’s artists’ books are in public collections across the country and have been exhibited at the Museé d'Art Americain in Giverny, France, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Fresno Art Museum, and Oceanside Museum of Art. She teaches in the art departments at San Diego State University and the University of San Diego. Her personal artwork can be seen at

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Nelle Martin

Associate Director and Master Letterpress Printer

Martin is a master printer and production designer at Brighton Press, where she began as an apprentice in 1987. She has a BFA in painting, printmaking, and sculpture from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and a certificate in architectural drafting from the Phoenix Institute of Technology. Her published artwork is housed in numerous public and private collections in the United States. Her paintings and book arts have been exhibited both locally and nationally.


Sonja Jones

Binding Assistant

Jones started volunteering at Brighton Press in 1998. Being a librarian, she attempted to create order out of chaos with/in the archives. After several years and several bookbinding classes with Burgess and Kelly, she gradually progressed to production—and wondered how her life might have been different if she had discovered books arts when in her twenties. She was born in Florida, grew up in Alabama, graduated from Mt. Holyoke College, and received her MLS from UC Berkeley. Jones came to San Diego in 1960 as children’s librarian with San Diego Public Library, raised her family, and later worked at the Museum of Man, Balboa Arts Conservation Center, and Donovan State Prison.

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Abby Jones

Printer and Binder, Brighton Press East

Abigail Jones is a book artist, printer, binder, teacher, and collector living in southern Vermont. She is especially interested in black and white illustrations in books. Photographs, etchings, photogravures interacting with the text create a portable work of art when finely bound. When she is not making or recovering books, she is trying to make room for more.


Kathi George

Copy Editor and Administrative Associate

George has been the copy editor for Brighton Press since 2003. Under her own imprint, DougRegelRome Editions, she has published three limited-edition chapbooks and three framed broadsides, one with former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins. George was the founding editor and publisher of FRONTIERS: A Journal of Women Studies (1974-87) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. As a freelancer, she has edited textbooks, nonfiction trade books, fiction, and poetry. She taught copy editing and proofreading at UCSD Extension for ten years.


Jinane Abbadi

Studio Assistant

Abbadi is a Moroccan-born multidisciplinary artist residing in San Diego. Her interests include colonial and postcolonial studies, Orientalism, and the issues of colonial power dominance and their influence on identity and creativity. Abbadi received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fine arts and interdisciplinary studies from San Diego State University. She has been working in the areas of painting, printmaking, and bookmaking and has been assisting at Brighton Press since 2004. Her work is at

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Jenny Yoshida Park

Catalog and Web Designer

Yoshida Park is an MFA graduate of SDSU in graphic design and book arts. She publishes her own editions of artist’s books under the imprint Evidence of the Hand Press, which can be found at She also does custom bookbinding, design, and letterpress printing for clients, with a specialty in collaborating with other artists.

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Banjo and Suci

Sheriff and Deputy

Banjo: 70% cattle dog, 12.5% miniature poodle, 17.5% Baja blend. Road warrior in training.

Suci: A something something and heart of gold.

Together: Eating treats and taking names.

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Alice and Olive

Malice and Maulive

The toughest guard dogs in town.



Guardian Angel


A true road warrior, he crossed the country thirty-five times.

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